Mechanicsburg VFW Post 6704
Post Meeting, April 1, 2015
Post Meeting, April 1, 2015
District 18 Commander, Comrade Paul Kreiner, Jr.
District 18 Sr. Vice Commander, Comrade Will D'Amico
District 18 Jr. Vice Commander, Comrade Scott Fritz
The monthly meeting of VFW Post 6704 was called to order by Commander Madden at 1900 hrs.
After proper opening ceremonies, roll call of Officers was conducted with three excused and the rest present.
Membership: ( 0 )
Minutes of the March meeting were accepted as read.
Quartermaster's Report:
Not made.
Service Officer:
Pennsylvania’s Yellow Dot Program was created to assist citizens needing emergency care following a traffic accident when they may not be able to communicate their needs themselves. You place a yellow dot in your vehicle’s rear window alerting first responders to check your glove compartment for your vital information This ensures that you receive any special medical attention you need. Brochures will be available after the meeting.
Comrade or Family of a Comrade in Distress:
Comrade Dick Freyser's wife is in the hospital for back surgery.
Committee Reports:
Comrade Conkel reported that we have 630 active members and are at 85% at this time.
No Report
Buddy Poppies
No Report.
Public Relations
Comrade Gagnon said that the web site was attacked by a hacker from Japan and the site security systems put it in lock down mode. After spending several hours of investigation and changing the master password to 128 bit size the site was returned to active status. There was no loss of data or information. The entire site is always backed up off line so if the attack had wiped the server it would have been easy to rebuild it. Since the attack there has been no other mischief from the orient. I will continue to ban all personal information from ever being available on the site.
VOD/Patriots Pen
Comrade Commander Madden reported that District 18 held its VOD/Patriots Pen reception on March 26 here at 6704. All of our post winners showed up for it and any remaining certificate will be sen to their respective schools.
Loyalty Day
Comrade Commander Madden reported this years Patriots Day ceremony will be held at the PA Capital on May 1st at 10:00 a.m. and anyone wishing to attend can.
The post area elementary Schools participated in a coloring contest. Each winner from grades 2 - 5 was sent on to district and then on to state. All students that entered the contest will be receiving a certificate.
The District 18 Meeting and Loyalty Day ceremony will be held on May 3rd at 1:00 p.m. at Shippensburg Post 6168, 130 W. King St. Shippensburg, PA.
Our National Home was remembered.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Sheryl Delozer, Member of the PA General Assembly, District 88, will be having her Third Annual Breakfast for Veterans on Saturday, May 30th at the First Church of God Community Center, 201 E. Green St., Mechanicsburg. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m., breakfast at 8:15 a.m. and program will start at 9:00 a.m. We will be posting flyers in the post. There is a request for financial support. There were no motions to donate to this event.
Comrade Commander Madden reminded all that the 96th Department Convention will be held from 17 to 20 June in Gettysburg. That it is time to place our annual ad in the booklet. A motion was made by Comrade Al Alex to donate $80 for a one page ad in the convention booklet, and a second was made by Comrade Larry Conkel.
The Motion passed.
Remarks were made by the District 18 Commander, Comrade Paul Kreiner, Jr. and his staff.
Commander Kreiner wanted to refer the following information from Department Quartermaster John Getz to the post:
1. If you are a member in good standing of this post, you are allowed to use the kitchen to prepare food. Comrade Trautman asked if they were covered under the insurance. Commander Kreiner said that if they are members they will be covered in the insurance, but non members would not be covered and not allowed to use the kitchen.
2. Commander Kreiner asked if the Home Association was a 501,c3 or 501,c7 non-profit corporation since it would have a bearing on the number of social members that would be allowed to join the post. Comrade Trautman said he talked to John Getz about this and he was told that we don't have too many social members and not to worry about this. This issue will need to be looked into.
3. There has been a problem getting checks written due to the Quartermaster's work shifts and availability at the post. The Quartermaster can appoint an Assistant Quartermaster to help in the operations when he is not free to be here.
4. The Home Association Officers, should all be the same as the post unless noted in the Home Association By-laws. Commander as President, Quartermaster as Treasurer and Adjutant as Secretary. Post 6704's Home Associations By-laws say that there will be a President, Vice President, three board members and that the Quartermaster is Treasurer and Adjutant is Secretary. This is acceptable unless there is a decision to change this when the By-laws are next updated.
Nomination of Officers:
The members present were reminded that the time for nomination for next years officers is upon us and the election and installation will be held during the April 1st meeting.
Nominations for 2015-16 Officers were opened.
Comrade David Madden
Sr. Vice Commander
Comrade John Meyers
Jr. Vice Commander
Comrade Tim Thimis
Comrade Keven Mundis
Comrade Alkiviadis Alex
3rd Year Trustee
Comrade Tyler Bennett
Nominations were closed.
Since there was only one nominee for all positions, the Adjutant cast a single unanimous vote for Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Quartermaster, Chaplain and 3rd Year Trustee.
Good of the Order:
Installation of officers was conducted by District 18 Sr. Vice Commander, Comrade Will D'Amico.
Comrade Al Alex rose to comment on the remarks by District 18 Commander, Comrade Paul Kreiner, Jr. and his Sr. Vice Commander, Comrade Will D'Amico
With closing prayer and salute to Colors, our meeting came to a close at 1950 hrs.
Respectively Submitted,
Michael J. Gagnon